It is planned to pay compensation for repairs of damaged property made at own expense
The Verkhovna Rada registered bill No.10063 which introduced changes to the «eVіdnovlennya» program.
The law provides for the payment of monetary compensation if the owner repaired the housing damaged due to hostilities at his own expense.
The document introduces amendments to Law No. 2923-IX. This law regulates the procedure for paying compensation to citizens whose housing was damaged or destroyed as a result of russian aggression.
The details were provided by Olena Shulyak, Chairman of the Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, in a commentary to “Interfax”.
The head of the Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, Olena Shulyak, told the details in a comment to “Interfax”.