Compensation for destroyed real estate objects: analysis of CMU Resolution №600
In accordance with Law 2923-IX, Resolution No. 600 dated 30.05.2023 approved the Procedure for providing compensation for destroyed real estate objects.
The document establishes that:
- the decision to grant/refusal to grant compensation is made by the Commission for consideration of issues regarding the provision of compensation for destroyed real estate objects;
- to receive compensation, the applicant submits an application to the Commission for consideration of issues regarding the provision of compensation for destroyed objects of immovable property, which is authorized to consider applications in the relevant territory. An application for compensation is submitted to the Commission at the applicant’s option:
- in electronic form – by means of the Unified state web portal of electronic services (hereinafter – Portal Diya), in particular using the mobile application of the Portal Diya (Diya);
- in paper form – through the center for the provision of administrative services, the body of social protection of the population or a notary.
- The commission notifies the applicant of the granting/rejection, suspension of application consideration immediately, but no later than the next working day from the date of such decision, in electronic or paper form, or in another way specified by the applicant in the application.
- The amount of compensation is set at a level not lower than the cost of construction of housing of the corresponding area, calculated according to the indicator of the mediated cost in the regions of Ukraine according to the location of such property.
- The provision of funds for financing the construction of a house, the purchase of an apartment, etc. is carried out within the limits of the available funds in the non-budget account of the Ministry of Infrastructure.
- Compensation for property is provided through Oschadbank JSC.
- owners of destroyed housing will receive money to finance the construction of a manor house, garden or country house or housing certificates for the purchase of housing;
- the application for compensation is an attachment to the contract on the cession to the state/territorial community of the right to claim against the Russian Federation for compensation for damages for the destroyed object of immovable property ( https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/600 -2023-%D0%BF#n202), i.e. the state/territorial community pays the recipient compensation for the destruction of property, the recipient in turn cedes to the state/territorial community the right to demand compensation from the Russian Federation.</ li>
The full text of the document can be found at the following link:
https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show/600-2023-%D0%BF#Text
The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Raising awareness among self-governing local governments and citizens on recording the destruction caused by war”, which is implemented by the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils with the support of the “Phoenix” project, which is implemented by the East Europe Foundation at the expense of the European Union.