Over 23,000 Ukrainians received funds for housing repairs under the “YeVіdnovlennya” program

Within six months of the “eVіdnovlennya” program, over 23,000 Ukrainian families whose homes were affected by hostilities received payments totaling over UAH 1.8 billion. Of these funds, Ukrainians have already spent UAH 590 million on rebuilding their homes.

  • The press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine reported this information.

“The first stage of the program was launched on May 10, 2023 — it is state financial assistance for repairs for Ukrainians whose housing suffered due to russian aggression. Thanks to this program, over 23,000 Ukrainian families have already received funds to restore their homes,” the statement said.

Priority was given to families of military personnel, people with disabilities, and large families. Over 56,000 citizens applied to the program. According to the Ministry of Community Development, 30% of the program participants are over 60 years old, with the oldest applicant being 101 years old.