Participation in the online presentation of the project “Control of Recovery Costs”
The presentation of the project “Control of Recovery Costs”, funded by the European Union, was held, which was joined experts of the Project “Increasing awareness among local governments and citizens about recording the destruction caused by war”.
- The main goal of this project is to create a system independent of the government for monitoring the expenditure of budget and donor funds for reconstruction in Ukraine.
- The project is implemented by the Center for Economic Strategy, the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, and Technologies of Progress. All project participants are members of the RISE coalition.
- During the event, experts shared the main goals of the project and revealed the details of the Big Recovery Portal online platform and presented a pilot issue of the monthly monitoring of reconstruction and recovery.
- The source of information about the projects will be DREAM. In the demo version of DREAM, which was launched in June 2023, a working version of the platform is expected in October. DREAM now has more than 1000 projects that have enough data for monitoring and analysis. An important part of the project is the publication of data on recovery and reconstruction costs, including tenders and budget funding.
- Tenders for recovery and reconstruction projects are mainly published on Prozorro. However, Dozorro has the results of monitoring. The main source of funding for recovery and reconstruction is budget funding, in particular through the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression. Donors, NGOs, charitable foundations are another source of funding for reconstruction, there is no detailed data in the public space.
- General data on budget financing are mostly open. The only portal for the use of public funds – Spending.gov.ua – contains data on the transactions of all managers of budget funds, except for those assigned to “Defense and Security” by the function of the budget classification (at the same time, the transactions of the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Justice, DSA were completely closed).
- Government officials and the public discussed the importance of transparency and accountability in the recovery process, especially in the context of international funding. This is an important step to ensure donor confidence and Ukraine’s successful recovery.
- “International experience, which is important to take into account in recovery” was also presented.
The publication was prepared within the framework of the project “Raising awareness among self-governing local governments and citizens on recording the destruction caused by war”, which is implemented by the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils with the support of the “Phoenix” project, which is implemented by the East Europe Foundation at the expense of the European Union.