The importance of expertise in fixing losses: main aspects

The armed aggression of the Russian military against our country caused large-scale destruction of real estate objects of individuals and legal entities. The legislation of Ukraine provides for a judicial procedure for the protection of violated property rights of individuals or legal entities to real estate objects. An important component during the judicial protection of violated property rights to real estate objects is the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations.

Depending on the real estate object, the following types of forensic examinations may be ordered during the court proceedings:

  • explosive and technical,
  • fire engineering,
  • construction and technical,
  • assessment and construction,
  • engineering and environmental (ecological).

When conducting:

  • explosion-technical expertise establishes: as a result of which actions the real estate object was destroyed or damaged and the circumstances of the explosion;
  • fire-engineering is established: the cause of the fire and what actions caused the fire at the real estate object;
  • construction and technical is determined by: technical condition of buildings, structures and engineering networks, causes of damage and destruction of objects and their elements;
  • assessment and construction is established: the value of the destroyed and damaged property, the actual costs incurred for the restoration of the damaged real estate;
  • engineering-ecological (ecological) expertise determines: the causes of the negative impact on the environment, the amount of damage caused to the environment and the amount of
  • compensation for the damage caused.

That is, forensic examination plays a very important role in the process of bringing guilty parties to legal responsibility for causing damage (damages), and in determining the amount of compensation for the damage (damages) caused.


The publication was prepared within the framework of the Project “Increasing awareness among self-governing municipalities and citizens on recording the destruction caused by war”, which is implemented by the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils with the support of the “Phoenix” Project, which is implemented by the Eastern Europe Fund at the expense of the European Union.